
Management mechanism for sustainable cooperation between China and North Macedonia within One Belt One Road Initiative

NAKOV, Leonid (

Prof. Leonid Nakov, Ph.D., from Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Economics – Skopje, is in academic terms Full Professor. He is focused on teaching the following scientific disciplines: Fundamentals of Management, Change Management, Business Ethics and Scientific - Research Ethics, at all study cycles – Graduate, Master and Doctoral degree. As a member of the Management Department, he serves as Secretary at the Master Program in the fields of MBA Management, as well as Management in Insurance, active member of the Committee for International Cooperation at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, currently coordinates several academic and professional international projects.

Prof. Nakov, obtained his Doctoral degree in the field of Strategic Management of Organizational Changes, whereas his Master degree has been placed in the field of Management of Organizational Culture. Obtained numerous academic and professional training programs, at prominent domestic and international institutions, such as NISIET, India; CEEMAN, Slovenia; Institute for Business Education, Russia; Center for European Studies, Germany; Faculty for Economy and Business Education, Iceland; Barry University, USA etc.

Prof. Nakov has published 61 scientific - research papers and participated in 89 national or international academic events. He is an active member and reviewer of several Editorial Boards of academic Journals and Conference Boards in the field of Management, Business Ethics and Organizational Changes. Prof. Nakov is the only certified national trainer in Macedonia of the Adizes Top Leaf (Leadership Forum) International Methodology of Management, Leadership and Changes, Secretary General of ASECU – Association of Economic Universities, of South-Eastern Europe and the Black-Sea Region, Greece, national expert of UNDP & European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), national CEED cooperative, economic advisor to numerous Boards, CEO’s or COO’s in business entities and institutions.

Research Overview

The fundamental objective of OBOR has been placed at developing an economic, infrastructural, environmental, as well as socio-economic grounds for a closer cooperation and transfer of experiences in the relations of 16+1 mechanism between China and CEE countries, especially having in mind various economic and business environments, strategic developmental goals and advanced economic sectors of CEE countries, including Republic of North Macedonia.

It is evident that China is actively present at the moment in developing countries dominantly in infrastructural investments which would potentially lead to several integrating cooperative tendencies, especially in transfer of know-how, new business models, restructuring the portfolio of products or services, raising higher public awareness and responsibility in public-private cooperation etc. 

Within the global sustainability framework, well known as Agenda for sustainable development 2030, especially articulated through the Millennium development goals, as the broadest developmental pathway for each modality of inter-regional cooperation and integration, as well as with the application of the Strategy for education and training of the European Union, known as Strategy 2020, consisting of the prevailing indicators for the critical developmental approaches in the most advancing European economies for the most important success factor, i.e. the human capital, the tendency for increasing the importance and applicative effects within the OBOR – CEE countries possesses several cooperative sustainability challenges, like alter the developmental models of countries involved in the OBOR Initiative, especially the economic one, strategically may shift the educational, research and environmental focus to sustained practices that rely largely to the cooperative model of higher benefitting from the increased value of the human capital, and culturally may attempt to validate the contemporary necessity of increasing the trust, respect and confidence among culturally diversified environments.