
Analyse of Socio-economic Effects Affecting the Management of Protected Areas


MUÇA (DASHI), Etleva ( 

Etleva Muça is the lecturer of Sustainable Rural Development at the Agricultural University of Tirana, Faculty of Agribusiness and Department of Economy and Rural Development Economies. She has more than twenty years involved in different activities and research studies in different sectors of the economy, including the fields of rural development, environmental economics, and regional development. Having graduated as an agricultural economist, and specialized in sustainable Agriculture, she has demonstrated her competency in these fields not only as a University lecturer, but also as a researcher. Etleva has been working on local, regional and national levels as a key expert for several national and international organizations such as FAO, USAID, GIZ, IDM, VIS Albania, etc. She was also part of a group of experts in assisting the LAG-LEADER simulations projects in Albania. 

Research Overview 

Protected areas have a crucial impact in the conservation of biodiversity, maintaining genetic resources, protection of ecosystem functions, ecotourism and preservation of natural and cultural heritage. It is important for them to secure sufficient, stable and long-term financial resources, and in an appropriate form, to cover the full costs with aim secure nature conservation (Emerton et al. 2005). Due to the problems affecting the PA, the paper search to analyse the socio-economic factors including legal regulations which specify the management of the park, its impact on the local market, and the attractiveness of the park as a tourist destination. 

Inhabitants living in and around protected areas consider it as income sources, and their life is strongly related with the activities conducted in the area. 

The analyze is made in Dajti National Park conducting 80 face to face interviews with local communities. We conclude that local communities of the Dajti National Park are diverse; many of the inhabitants live in scattered and relatively isolated communities, whereas others reside in the ever expanding Dajti Administrative Unit, which is increasingly under pressure from the expanding City of Tirana. Farming and farm activities are not considered as the main source of income for most of the local population due to the many market access difficulties, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited sustainable cultivated areas. The beneficiaries from the DNP are the bussinesses including restaurant owners or those who offer tourists services and the other group consists of villagers located at the boundaries of the park and visitors.